Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Dry July
I'm off the Grog!!!
Well, for the month of July I am anyway.
I'll be raising money for cancer patients in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Oncology Ward here in S. A., to buy things for there immediate comfort like beds, wheelchairs, facilities for relaxation and comfort while undergoing treatment - things like that.
I'm really excited about the challenge and looking forward to raising money for the hospital, so if any of you would like to make a donation just go to
You can also leave me an encouraging message!!
I hope you'll all consider helping this really good cause.
Don't forget that any donation over $2 is tax deductible.
Thanks in advance everyone!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Almost Pain Free........ Almost
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in earlier posts about how much my life has changed in the last 18 months, I don't really want to bore you with all the "why's & wherefore's" again. Let's just agree that when I say "change" I mean "CHANGE!!!!!", like a complete 180!
I used to be really fit. I would workout regularly - Pilates, Yoga, Body-Balance, Yogalates, Walking, Cycling, Jogging, Weight-Training........... I'm sure you know someone who is like I used to be. Then came "The Turn Around".........
In the last 18 months I've done hardly any of those things and my body has siezed up. Quite literally siezed up. With the end result being incredible pain in my back, legs, feet, shoulder and neck.
I've started going to the chiropractor again, but at $42 week, it's not going to be able to be a regular, on-going thing for me. Anyway, the results haven't been that good (not as good as I was hoping for anyway).
So I decided to get a bit pro-active here (instead of re-active) and try to take back control of my body again. My weight-gain is totally out-of-control and my fitness & flexibility seem to no longer exist. If I can't seem to get motivated to do this for my health and appearance I'm at the point where I'm ready to do it for the pain relief.
I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 2 mile (all I can handle in my present state - a far cry from my previous fitness levels!) for the last couple of weeks, and yesterday I did some back strengthening Yoga. Well...........
You should've heard the sound effects!!
I had so much crackin' & clickin' & crunchin' going on in my spine - it sounded like it was cracker night!!
The relief was so amazing and instant and intense -I simply couldn't believe it!
Usually when I get home from work I can barely get up the two front steps because my hammies are so tight and my legs and feet are aching so much. I can hardly get my arms above my head to take my top off and get my jammies on. I am so completely exhausted and drained that I can hardly make a cup of tea.
But Yesterday..............
The awful pressure behind my eyes was gone, the rushing in my ears was gone, I actually got to the end of the day and still felt like I had something left in me. I got home and actually thought about baking a cake (I didn't bake it, but I did complete another little project). I made it up the front steps ok and was probably about 80% pain free ALL DAY!!!
This morning when I woke up I bounded out of bed like a regular person instead of like a crippled-up wreck. I've just done my 2-mile walk and some posture pilates and I'm about to do the back strengthening yoga workout as soon as I finish this.
I've still got a ways to go but Oh God.. I'm so optimisic that I might be able to get back to where I was fitness and flexibility wise.
Will keep you posted.
RIP Farrah and Michael.
There goes my youth
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
My Trip Home
and this is me after a really revolting latte...........
and this is me after about 3 hours....... A bit Grumpy!
But once I get past Port August and start heading down the other side of Spencers Gulf things start looking up. My beautiful Flinders Ranges...............
And around about Mambray Creek is my favourite section of the whole drive - Spencers Gulf on the right and the Flinders Ranges on the left......... Both so close you can practically lean out the window of the car and touch them...... I love it!
I called into Port Pirie to visit an old school friend, Stacey, stayed and had a couple of beers and a bit of a catch up. I also went to the cemetary and visited my Dad. Did some shopping - got a couple really good bargains, like a FREE HAIR COLOUR!! It was the checkout chicks fault (she wasn't concentrating) and NO! I did'nt say anything - I got out of there as quick as I could. I figured KMart could absorb my $30 hair colour and not even notice. WOOHOO
Payed a visit to my former belly-dancing teacher, Nita. Can you believe she's 62 years old?!?! What a woman! She's so vibrant and interested in everything and a bit of a health nut....... Probably a few lessons to be learnt there Faye....Ya think?!
Visited my friend Karyn and her kids Kara and Damon. Poor Damon had broken his ankle the day before I got there and was in a fair bit of pain, poor bugger. Kara, Karyn & I played wii all night and Kara took this "diet before-shot" of me....I didn't realise just how fat I really was till I saw this pic. OMG
Karyn has been on Tony Ferguson and lost about 20kg, and looks bloody terrific! Am jealous
My special buddy Warren came up from Adelaide to see me. That was lovely of him
Plenty more happened too. There was a birth, Hello Chiara, Declan and Tahlia and new baby Miley, I even got to have a lovely long nurse of her!
Spending time with Aunty Pat and Uncle Graham was really special, one part of the piece she was even tucking a blanky around me as I was laying on the lounge watching tv..... definitely going back for more of that. Catching up with Andrea was great, even though she is punishingly busy with the business she still found time to have a couple drinks and a bit of a chinwag... that meant a lot to me too.
I went past the house I used to live in, the one that had all the overwhelming and powerful memories that I could no longer live with, the one that I had to leave........... I also visited a few other special places and laid an old ghost to rest. It was 9 months coming, but it was time. All I have to do now is get the guts to delete his number from my phone and stop answering his texts and calls.......... I think I'm nearly ready.
So that old saying really is true:
If something doesn't kill you, maybe it really does make you stronger.
I've made a lot of really dumb decisions and bad choices over the last 18 months or so..... but I don't think coming to the Eyre peninsula was one of them. The Yorke Peninsula was really good to me, I was there for 15 years. There's no reason why that can't happen again over here on the Eyre Peninsula - I just have to give it time.
I miss my friends but visiting is really good and who knows....... maybe they will come and visit me!! That would be BRILL!!! And there's always next year to go home again. WOOHOO!! I love Holidays!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My Bathroom Just Keeps Getting Cheaper!!
Since I moved here to Arno Bay I have:
* used a crystal deodorant for an initial outlay of $7 and it looks hardly gone at all.......will last years I reckon
* been using cornflour as talcum powder for an initial outlay of $6 for 5kg and $2.50 for shaker..................again, will last years & years, don't reckon I will EVER have to buy it again
* using microfibre cloth as cleanser and exfoliater for an initial outlay of $1.50 for 2...........I bought spares but keep giving them away LOL
* using witchazel as a toner for an initial outlay of $4 for 250ml.........I put it into an old Dermalogica atomiser and it just keeps going on & on & on
* ditched all my exxy moisturisers and now use Cetaphyl exclusively for an initial outlay of $20 for 500 ml.........bottle is only about 2 cm down, I reckon it'll be good for at least a year
* Emjoi for hair removal for an initial outlay of $120............a smooth finish identical to waxing from the beautician (not that there are any around here anyway so also factor in the fuel to get to town for the waxing!!)
* cutting and colouring my own hair for a cost of about $30 every 2 months
This weekend I have made shower gel. I found a cake of Body Shop pink grapefruit soap. So I grated it in the food processor, then added it to just a bit less than 1 litre of water and 2 tablespoons of glycerine and melted it altogether over low heat. I also added some sorbolene cream and a tiny drop of red food colour. Then I put it into my 1 litre pumppack and VOILA!! Shower Gel!!
I looked it all up on line and the cake of soap costs $4.95 from the body shop and for 250mls of pink grapefruit showergel they want $12.95 I made 1 litre for a hair over $5
I also made a body scrub. 1 cup of olive oil, 1 cup of cooking salt, 1/2 cup of lemon juice and some food colouring. Just step out from under the direct flow of the water and appy, then rinse off. Luscious! Am going to add some essential oil when I get some nice ones.
AND I made some vanilla oil .......... just added some vanilla pods to baby oil.... flick as much water off your body as possible then apply a small amount, then blot yourself dry with a towel. Skin feels so soft
A-A-AND I also added some vanilla pods to a bottle of sorbolene cream and the smell is absolutely divine.
So these are all tried and tested money savers that really do work. You can all go ahead and try any of these tips with absolute confidence. Enjoy the extra cash you will have in your pocket!
Next time I'll tell you all about my laundry
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Decision Has Been Made!
What a busy week!
Have done 72 hours. Wish I could again too because next week I'm back to a boring 30 hours for the week.
I'm really lucky to have 2 jobs that I enjoy doing and 2 bosses that I really like and respect and admire. Not many people can say that about ONE job, let alone two.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Busy Days - Quiet Nights
Boss is away again so am "minding the store".......... Literally! LOL
Long days.
Strangely tho, am having a lot of trouble sleeping, despite being exhausted at night. Hmmmm, don't know what's going on there.
Till next week
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
my current hairdo
I can't believe how old and matronly I look
I know I'm 47, but Jeez........... Do I hafta look it?!?!?!?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Go the Vego!!!!
1 cup soya beans soaked in at least 3 cups water for 8 - 12 hours
Drain & rinse, then blot with paper towel to remove excess moisture
Put into large freezer bag and add
1 tsp oil
1/4 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp basil
1/4 tsp celery salt
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp cumin
salt 'n' pepper
Poor onto baking sheet in a single layer and bake at moderately high (375 - 390 degrees) for 15 minutes then stir
Bake for 5 more minutes then stir again.
Continue baking and stirring at 5 minute intervals for up to 45 minutes or so.
The length of cooking time depends on the amount of fluid the bean absorbs, this is all very variable, just make sure you mind the 5 minute intervals and don't let the beans burn.
Cool, divide into 40g servings and enjoy!!
A Warning
Be sure to cook the beans till they are crunchy as they are not very nice if they are under-done and chewy
This is NOT a warning!!
I bought several 1kg bags of soya beans for $2 a bag
Not taking into account the beans I wasted while experimenting to get this recipe right - a really, REALLY cheap and EXTREMELY healthy snack
Tomorrow.............. My cheap equivalent to weightwatchers 'Roasties'
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday Drive
A bit further along, still heading towards Cleve, you can see the Mount Millar Wind Farm
The wind farm, previously called Yabmana, is between Cowell and Cleve, with 35 turbines covering a stretch of hilltops about 7km's in length. The farm can generate enough electricity to meet the needs of 36,000 average households. The turbines at Mt Millar are different to other windfarms because they don't have gearboxes and that is why they are larger than at other farms.
I love this stuff - it's so interesting!
Next weekend I might go to Darke Peakand see if I can get to the top of Carrapee Hill (aka Crappy Hill LOL). There is a fair bit to see around here, so I guess I better get my skates on and start looking at it!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Other Job
I worked in a very busy, top-class bakery when I was in Wallaroo on the Yorke Peninsula.
While this bakery is not on quite as big a scale, I gotta hand it to Trudy (my new boss) - bloody hell..... she's doin' a shit-hot job of it all!!!!
Everything is baked on site.
I had one of her pasties today, as good as what I'm used to on the other side.
She also has a really good menu for the cafe style meals - wraps, foccacias & burgers as well as sandwiches and rolls (and, of course, the pastries). She even has bbq chickens!! All the bread, rolls, foccacia, etc. is all baked on site as well. AND HER BUNS................. OMIGOD!! They look bloody fantastic. Hope I never weaken & eat one LOL!!!!
So here's to working 7 days a week (my goal - Hey! I have no life & nothing better to do!!)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Coffin Bay & Gallipoli Beach
Coffin Bay is about 45 km's northwest of Port Lincoln, with a permanent population of 600, that swells to about 4,000 in the summer months. Main industries are professional fishing and the famous Oyster Leases within the bay system.
We went for a drive to Farm Beach
From there we went on to Gallipili Beach, where the film Gallipoli (starring Mel Gibson) was made.
Thanks Kayleen, Dimitri and Karrissima - alias Karyn, Damon & Kara for sharing your holiday with me. I had a top day. XOXOXO
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
No Cause For Celebration
That's right.......
Absolutely NOTHING
Didn't even crawl out of my jammies, much less the front door.
And you know what?
It feels great!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Hair Update

Now - After
That's all for now
Monday, April 6, 2009
Some Photos
The back is a little bit scruffy, but I reckon I did a bloody good job!

These pics are of my one of my favourite spots, the Creek Mouth, taken at sunrise. All this is just a 10 minute stroll from my house.
And this is what I see frommy front door .
And that's all I have time for today.
Off to work now
Sunday, April 5, 2009
It's Make-Over Time!!
It's been a while.
Not much has been happening though, so nobody's missing anything. Haha
I've been continuing with my ss efforts tho, AND HOW!
I had a massive bake-up and filled my freezer with lots of healthy, portion-controlled Too Good to be True meals (about 6 weeks worth!!) And I've done a meal plan. And I'm getting by on 10 bucks a week. And today I'm making some sweet and savoury snacks, also STGTBT. I've already made a batch of mini quiches (75 cals each) and I'm not done yet. Just gotta go thru my pantry and figure out what I have on hand to make my next creation.
I also have written up a freezer and pantry inventory so I can go shopping from there instead of the supermarket, especially for this month (my $10 challenge month). I'm actually very surprised at how much I do have on hand, t'is a very good feeling because I won't be getting as many hours after Easter when things go quiet.
Speaking of work, the boss took a week off and left me in charge!! I was so flattered that they asked me and trusted me enough to do it. I haven't been there that long really, only 6 months. So I guess it's all working out for me on that front.
I've done a very un-ss thing and hired a treadmill for 3 months. The reason? I'M GOING HOME!!! Only for a few days, at the end of May. And a very special friend is going to come to Wallaroo from Adelaide to spend the weekend with me. He hasn't seen me since I left and I certainly don't want him to see me like this (20 odd kg overweight), so I'm busy dieting like a mad thing and treadmilling and doing abs and all that. So that's why the expense of the treadmill - I know that when Warren and I hmhmm...... you know (winkwink), it'll be worth EVERY penny. LOL
I got a little crazy last night. I started out colouring my hair, then I streaked it. Looking good so far. Then I got REALLY crazy and didn't just trim the ends - I FULLY CUT IT ALL OFF!!!! I've gone from bra-length to a just above the collar bob. OMG!!! It looks fantastic, I just can't believe how great it turned out. Tomorrow when I've got some make-up on and look a bit better than I do just now, I'll take a pic and post it.
Okay, I think that's about it for now, been going on long enough. Hope you're all well and healthy and happy.
If I don't get a chance to post again this week, would just like to wish you all a very happy Easter. Drive safe everyone.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
She's BA-A-A-ACK!!!
I had to get nasty to get a result though, which is a pretty bad state of affairs.
I rang the mechanic (read Bloody No-Hoper!!) on Monday and told him 'enough is enough already!' and that if I didn't have the car back by Friday I was going to ring Consumer Affairs. So 2 days later........... she's miraculously fixed! The bastards.
Anyway, she's home and I don't feel so trapped.
And I tell you what...... They're going to be waiting 4 weeks for their money! See how THEY like it!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I Feel Radiant!!
For the first time in ages my back doesn't hurt.
To make a short story long (hehe), it's been a pretty crummy year for me. In March last year I broke up with the love-of-my-life (a mutual decision but seriously painful none-the-less), I quit a job that was probably really good, but I was restless, took another job that I thought would be exciting and fun but turned out to be an absolute nightmare (was the worst 6 months of my life). Moved to Cleve. Then after about 5, moved here to Arno Bay. See a pattern here people?!
Oh, and I also quit smoking.
So consequently it's been a year since I've felt any good about myself. I've not exercised in all that time, I've eaten and drunk a whole pile of crappy stuff, I've forgotten how healthy and fit I used to be. And my body has slowly but surely been shutting down.
This last couple of weeks I've started walking again and been eating a lot healthier. This morning I started doing some basic pilates again (just the 'series of 5') and did a serious stretch workout like I used to do a year ago.
And Lo! The vertebra have parted!! My lower back feels the free-est it has in months and I feel like I can actually breath again!
I've been menu planning with my Symply Too Good to be True cook books and keeping a food diary and counting calories and feel so good again. I've lost a lot of weight before and I know it's not rocket science, it really IS just basic maths - Calories In v Calories Out.
I'm hoping too that some regular walking and a dramatic weightloss will help my poor sore knees (remember the fall down the stairs in January? Well, they still hurt, A LOT!)
Have a day off tomorrow so I'm going to set up my gym equipment to a mini circuit in the spare room. I can't do the fit balls yet because WITHOUT A CAR (STILL !) I can't get them pumped up. But thats okay, I've got plenty of stuff that I can use in the meantime.
So, Cheers everyone, Have a good day
Monday, March 2, 2009
And hello to you too Nutmeg.
Welcome to my blog.
Most of it pretty mundane stuff, but hey......... it's my life and it is what it is.
I hope you both will make comments and have some input.
Little Miss - do you have a family? Where are you from? If you're doing the $21 Challenge or the No Spending in March Challenge let me know. It would be good to have some input from other like-minded souls. I wouldn't mind having some-one in my corner for this too. It's my first one and I've gone the double-whammy with both of them at once.
It's going to be a long 6 months till I get these car repairs paid for.
Day 3
I've run out of bread but thats okay - I've got some rolls and muffins in the freezer so I'll just use them up first.
I made my sour-dough bread on Sunday. I think it's at the stage where I can use it now. I'm not really sure, so I'll have to read my instructions again. I'll be home early tomorrow so I'll look then, and if it's ready I'll bake a loaf tomorrw. If it all goes well I'll take a pic and post it.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I've been up since about 5am. I've already done all my washing, and because it was raining and dark and windy I decided to cheat and use the drier. I didn't have much. Then, bugger me if I didn't just turn on my computer and see on my news page that power costs are set to soar because of the poor global economy!!!! Bloody hell!! I haven't got a whole lot left to give up to cover that too!!! One good thing though, at least my fuel costs will drop dramatically without going to Kimba 3 days a week. Speaking of which...........
My little car is STILL not home!!! Not bloody happy.
I've bloody had enough of Cleve-people, I tell ya! Reckon they've all got 2 heads!!!
Anyway, work is good, diet is crap, exercise is non-existent, budget is a work in progress,,,,,,,,,
Life is going on.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hello Little Miss
Show yourself!
I don't bite and neither do my friends.
And could someone please tell me how you spell "iether & niether"?
The Ides Of March........
Even without the aforementioned enlightenment-
Welcome to March........ t'is gonna be a bumpy ride!
March is No Spend Month on the simple savings calendar, and on top of that I'll be doing a $21 Challenge. I guess I don't feel I have enough challenges in my life right now hey........
I think I already mentioned that I filled the freezer with a meal plan in mind and I bought a whole pile of bulk toiletries and cleaners and stuff, so I guess now it's time to put my money where my mouth is.
I'm going to change the $21 Challenge rules a little bit ----- The whole idea is to feed a family of 4 on $21 a week. Well, since I live alone I'm thinking 1 person should be able to go 4 weeks. Just the inverse of the original concept hey. But I am going to crank it up a little to allow for inflation (other ss members are upping the limit for this reason as well, so am not cheating), I'm going to go for $10 dollars a week. Another of my bent rules is that I'm not including any bulk/stockpile purchases in this amount, but only up to the amount of $50.
I'm also going to start keeping a grocery catalogue book, tracking the specials. Over a period of about 2 or 3 months I hope to be able to really capitalise on any specials of products that I use regularly and really beat the stoopidmarkets at there own game!
With regard to the No Spend Challenge (here-in to be refered to as the NCS), I got offto a good start today. I resisted buying a packet of chips to use as comfort food. But I should tell you, I do have about a months supply of home brew, so hopefully I can make that last and it will be enough. LOL
I've also arranged for people to come and look at all things electricity related. My daily usage is about 17kWh/day and that is outragous and ridiculous for 1 person. So will make further updates on all that as it all happens. I'm going to get this bloody daily usage down or die trying!!!
So, wish me luck everyone!! Only 6 months to go till car repairs are paid for.!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Awwww!........Such Warm Fuzzies
According to Feng shui, if your front and back door are in alignment, as mine are, it can adversely affect your prosperity. The qui, or life force, comes in your front door and just zooms straight out your back door, taking all your prosperity with it. So I've put a few celestial cures in place with a few more to go.
You know that old chinese money tree, or jade plant............. the one with the little round, green leaves? Well, I've scabbed up a heap of cuttings and I now have it at my front and back door, and I'm also going to put some in the spare bedroom, which is in the prosperity corner of my house. I've also put a picture of a water scene up in the passage so that you can see it from the front door. It's all about slowing down the qui and encouraging the life force to hang around a little bit before it goes out the back door.
I also need to get the spare room unpacked and made all neat.....POSTE HASTE!!! Untidiness and disarray in the prosperity corner signifies a lack of attention to, and some dis-order in your finances. And that is certainly not the case in my real life.
Again, thanks guys.
It means a real lot to me
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hi Stakky
I'm already making the household cleaner from this thread on simple savings
I gotta tell ya......... this stuff is brilliant!!
I bought a 7.5 kg bucket of laundry powder when I moved in, so I'm good for that for a while........QUITE a while! LOL
I use vinegar as a fabric softener and I make my own pre-wash spray.
I do like to read as much as my foggy vision last thing at night will let me. Where I work, we have a book exchange/2nd hand books happening. I get to read them for nothing. But I am also a member of the public library. At the beginning of last year when I decided to really embrace the whole ss philosophy, I stopped buying magazines and novels........ Must've saved a bloody fortune since then.
But don't take that thinking cap off yet!
Keep 'em coming.
Cheers. Avagdwknd
Dire Straits
The situation is very bleak.
Final quote for my car repairs are ........ $2800.
I am in shock, deep shock. I simply don't have it. I've applied for a loan, one of those 6 months interest free ones. But even so, that means paying $233 fortnight to make it by the 6 months. There is no way I can afford that iether. But I should be entitled to the new handout the government is throwing around, and I should get a killer tax cheque, so I might just make it. T'is gonna be a lo-o-ong 6 months tho!
As soon as I get my car back I have to go to town to apply for a top up payment from Centerlink (god, am SO not looking forward to dealing with that!!) and hopefully I will be entitled to some rent assistance.
I have never needed my simple savings skills more!!!
At the moment I'm making some tomato and bacon soup with the tomatoes from my ex-garden. I've already cooked a frozen a big bag of silverbeet too. I've still got zucchinis coming out of my ears. A couple days ago I made a big pot of zucchini and potato soup, that was really yummy. And today I'm going to make tzatziki with........ don't laugh...........zucchini! Hopefully it will be okay, I already made the greek yoghurt base, and if it ain't that good I'll just chuck a whole pile of extra garlic in it. LOL
One of the freezers at work shit itself yesterday, so I was really lucky there. Bev, my boss, GAVE me a kilo of green prawns and a kilo of cooked ones! How bout that!!! So tonight I'm making garlic prawns and ZUCCHINI (!) rossti. I'm actually waiting for my wee to turn green with all this zucchini LOL My brown eyes are at risk of turning green!!!
My beloved Crows are playing tomorrow night. And Sunday is 1 year since I quit smoking. So in honour of that I have re-joined the club. Cost me $65 but it is the last time I be spending money like that for a LONG time, and the act that I am rewarding (quitting) definitely is worth it, so I don't care about the money or feel guilty.
I have 5kg of cornflour to use a talcum powder (that should last me the rest of my LIFE)
I have a crystal stick deodorant
I cut and colour my own hair
I nearly always cook from scratch
I've been checking out the starving woolies thread and plan to do quite a bit from there, will explain more about that later
I've been buying a couple of cloth pads every week - another week or so and I should have enough
I have a couple of sheets and towels that I'm going to cut up for wee-wipes
I make my own beer and wine
I have ditched expensive moisturisers and now use sorbolene and cetaphil
I use powdered milk
Today I am going to make a sourdough starter so I can make my own sourdough bread and rolls and possibly even pretzels
I don't have to pay for dvd's, I rent them for free from work
I do batch cooking - my freezer is absolutely chockers, actually am a bit worried about fitting todays cook up in there
I make my own household cleaner
I have an Emjoi, so hair removal is painful but cheap LOL
Got any more ideas for me?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I just hit another kangaroo!!!
My car is still in being fixed so I have been borrowing Scott's and this morning I hit another bloody roo with it! Front is all caved in, headlight is broken, it is a wreck and so am I.
I ran my boss at Kimba to tell I wouldn't be in.............EVER AGAIN!
I had to quit. I just can't afford to keep this job. I certainly can't afford a third kangaroo!
I don't know what I've done to bring all this bad luck raining down on me, but whatever it was...
Now - can I please just have my normal, boring life back, PLEASE?
As of right now, I'm a bit scared to get out of bed in the mornings
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Am Still Here
I finally got my blinker fixed after the 'hitting of the roo' (I'm a one-eyed Crows fan, do you know how much it pains me to say that?!). It turns out that the blinker wasn't the only thing broken though. When Scott went to put the blinker in the mount/housing (whatever it's called) that the headlight sits in was all smashed and the front spoiler was a bit wobbly as well. So he fixed all that up for me as well as putting the new blinker in. He ALSO washed 'the little girl' (that's my pet name for my car) for me and I gave hime some money to fill her up for me, then on the way back to my place she conked out!! She only had about 4km's to go but she just couldn't make it. So the doctor - er, I mean MECHANIC came to look at her and it turns out she has a broken timing chain............ About $1000 to fix! OMG!!! Where the hell is that going to come from?!?!
This is the little girl with her big bandaid on after the 'hitting of the roo' *cringe*
This is the little girl being taken away to the doctor - I mean mechanic
Then to add to my financial woes....... My freezer has been off for I don't know how long and all of the top shelf defrosted, so now I have to go and get extra ingredients that weren't budgeted for to do a massive cook-up to re-freeze everything so it doesn't get wasted. Jeez! What next?!?! I'm scared to ask myself!
On the positive side though, I've lost the 3kg I put on in the 2 weeks prior to moving in, Scott is really trying to be nice and his efforts haven't gone un-noticed (don't know if it will be enough though......... too little, too late), I've managed to get rid of the disgusting smell in the house and it certainly looks a bloody site cleaner now than it was a week ago!
I've also started my new walking challenge with walkingwithattitude.com I'm doing the Bust Your Butt Skyscraper Challenge. I used to do some form of exercise EVERY day, but when I started on the ferry, that went out the window. I was still recording daily steps but not actually doing any walking. So this new challenge is not a step challenge, it's a minute challenge - you only record your minutes of exercise, ANY exercise. So hopefully that will be the "kick up the butt" (geddit?!?! LOL) I need to start exercising on a regular basis again.
I also bought myself the new Michelle Bridges book 'Crunch Time'. How are you going with that Sarah? This afternoon I will be home from work at a civilised hour (5pm), so I'm going to sit down and do all the written exercises. On the 22nd February it will be 12 months since I quit smoking, so I'm going to make that my start date losing the 20kg I have put on since then.
I've still got a real lot to do, unpacking-wise. I want to set up the gym room next, I have quite a bit of equipment - the goal is to actually start USING it.
Well, I have gone on quite a bit hey? Didn't mean to chew your collective ear off! *chuckle*
Next time will post some pics of my beautiful beach!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I am Woman........ Hear Me ROAR!
Have got my tv back!
I've already moved nearly all of my 'stuff'.
I've organized a ute and trailer.
Still need to organize a spare set of muscles.........
Good luck with that one, Faye.
None of the men around here a terribly energetic,
so I think I'm going to struggle with that one.
What's the bet I end up half killing myself.......
doing it all on my own.
Oh well, been in tougher positions before
and managed on my own.
I dare say I'll manage again this time.
Welcome to my new followers.
Next post I'll put some more photos on.
I hit a bloody roo yesterday morning and broke my blinker,
so my poor little car has a pretty big bandaid on her right now.
Also, I'll get some pics of my new location on here for you.
I can't wait till I have some spare time to go exploring.
I'm going to be starting a new walking challenge as soon as I move in too.
I've already decided which one I'm going to do, so more on that later.
Also, I'll be embracing the simple savings lifestyle BIG TIME! once
I'm all moved in, so more on that later as well. I've already put a few
systems in place, with plenty more on my list of TTD (things to do).
I've decided to try to make my new place as environmentally friendly
as I possibly can. Usually when you try to do that, financial savings tend to automatically follow
anyway, so I'll be proving that theory I guess.
Gotta go.
Have to brave the kangaroo highway again (go to work atKimba, that means LOL).
T'is lucky I absolutely love working at the pub and the girls I work with, or
it would all be too hard!
Post again soon.
P.S. Am giving a bit of thought to my new intro.
Will be changing it on the 3rd.
Won't be changing my title tho.
Friday, January 23, 2009
No Time.......... No Time for Anything
It's 5 am and I'm about to do some more packing.
I've been taking a carload out to the house everytime I go to work, which means actually packing it, then loading it in the car, then un-loading it at the other side - then starting work. During my break (when I have a split shift) I go into the house and do some cleaning. On Sunday afternoon, I'm going to paint the kitchen.
Next week is going to be outa control. I've got work coming out of my ears. The roadhouse at Cowell rang me the other day to see if I was still interested in working there, so I have an interview with them on Friday to see what we can work out. I'm not expecting too much to come of it tho. I reckon the hours that they will want me will interfere too much with the takeaway. Will go and see them anyway tho, you never know.
Also, the local supermarket here still want me to clean. The boss is even willing to work around my current jobs. So I told him when school goes back, I'll go and see him and I can probably start then.
I'm suppose to be in my house by the 3rd February. But I'm working flat out for the next week and half that I know of, and I'm starting to get a bit panicky about getting all my big stuff in.
I lent my big tv to one of Scott's mates while I wasn't using it, and now that I need it back, he's nowhere to be found! Apparently, he gets a bit depressed every now and then and goes underground. WTF!?!? Toughen Up Princess!! All the local men here are like that. They've lived here all there lives, never been anywhere, and the are all FRUITCAKES and MUMMA'S BOYS! The people who have settled here from 'the outside' (that's the locals terminology - not mine) are usually the nicest ones. They seem to have retained some good manners. Definitely not the locals tho. It's like all the good manners have been 'in-bred' out of them.
Anyway, didn't mean to rant. Was just gonna do a quickie to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. Have a good day everyone. Will post again soon
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I hate SHOPPING! In all it's d'guises
Hated spending all that money!!
$500 Gone Just like that Feel sick
Not happy
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Work Work Work I LOVE it!!
Things on the home-front aren't so good tho. So thank goodness the work side of things is going well or I'd be a bit of a sad-sack I'm afraid.
Lot's of zucchini's. If you can put zucchini in it, then I've made it over the last couple weeks. Zucchini Bake/Moussaka/Frittata, I put it into a tuna mornay last night, I've made Zucchini Relish, and I have plans to make a few mince disshes for the freezer next week, all with zucchini grated into them. Have found an interesting recipe for apple cobbler that actually doesn't have any apples in it, it's made with zucchini. Am thinking about that one. LOL
Also made apricot jam. First time I've ever done anything like this jamming and preserving. I'm just making most of it up as I go along, but so far everything is working out okay.
The garlic and redwine pasta sauce I made on New Years Eve tastes absolutely divine. Have got quite a few tomatoes coming on again, so will probably do another batch.
Diet is going well, almost 3kg lost so far. I've still got a long way to go, but at least I'm off to a good start. It's almost a year since I quit smoking, so once I lose the weight and get back into all my favourite clothes, I'm going to be feeling pretty damn fantastic! That's what keeps me going. I haven't eaten a single chip at work, it's been a bit touch 'n' go sometimes, but I haven't weakened yet. YAY ME!!
So far so good on the financial side of things too. Am achieving my goals, but that will all change when I move into my own place. So I'm going to have to move my goalposts a little bit. Sad, but I'll get over it. I've already lined up a couple of private houses to clean, I'll be starting them when school goes back, so that's good. Every little bit helps.
Any way, I have absolutely NO plans for today. Just a bit of pottering around the house. Want to go and see my mate Steve in Lucky Bay and see how he's getting on but haven't been able to get in touch with him. He's probably at sea. Will keep trying tho and if I can catch him, that's what I'll be doing today.
Have a good one everybody
Friday, January 2, 2009
Xmas and New Year
Xmas and New Year was very quiet. Went crabbing at Cowell Harbour. This is the sun-rise that greeted us on the way out of the harbour. We ended up with 43 crabs.
From there we went to see a very dear friend of mine, Steve. Sadly, Steve lost his "love-heart", Cecilia, very suddenly and tragically, just 4 months ago. On the 28th, Cecilia's son was accidentally drowned while watching the fireworks display in the Cowell Harbour. Steve raised Cecilia's children as his own for 30 years. So much sadness for one good man to bare. RIP Cecilia and Michael. Stay strong, my old mate. A very sad time.
On New Years Eve, after work, (didn't finish till 7.30), I cranked up the music and had a little cooking party till about 1.30pm. I ended up making 5 jars of pasta sauce with all home grown ingredients. Have decided I need to get a preserving kit. I could've bottled all that sauce and saved tones of freezer space. So I think it would be a very good investment if I get one of those A.S.A.P.
I've been doing some killer hours the last few weeks between the pub and the take-away. Am really buggered but that is ok. This is a good money-making time of the year for me.

I took this photo last week at about 6.30a.m. It is from the front verandah. It was a beautiful, crisp, foggy morning. See the mist in the background? Not bad, eh?
Garden is going fantastic! Lots of zucchini, tomatoes and strawberries, and I even had 2 raspberries!!!! They were absolutely delicious. Every night I have a salad for tea made only with my own produce, and it is the sweetest tasting salad I have ever had in my life.
Not much else to tell. All I seem to do is work and water these days! *laughing* Need to make time to work on my dreamboard over the next few nights. I usually have it done by now. I didn't have one last year and I got a little bit lost.
I can't believe how much my life has changed over the last year, I'm still not exactly sure how I feel about all the changes I have made. Have I done the right thing? Have I left myself a way out? How long will it last? How much longer can I go on like this? I have given myself till Easter to feel good about being here, and if I don't - then that is when I'll be moving on. *big, deep breath* There! I finally said it! I'm not happy here. I hope happiness comes soon because I like the area I'm living in and I don't want it to be spoiled.
I'm probably just being a bit maudlin. Hopefully my mood will be improved when I next blog again. Thankyou for listening. I love you all and I hope you had a Christmas full of love and joy and I wish you all the best for 2009