and this is me after a really revolting latte...........
and this is me after about 3 hours....... A bit Grumpy!
But once I get past Port August and start heading down the other side of Spencers Gulf things start looking up. My beautiful Flinders Ranges...............
And around about Mambray Creek is my favourite section of the whole drive - Spencers Gulf on the right and the Flinders Ranges on the left......... Both so close you can practically lean out the window of the car and touch them...... I love it!
I called into Port Pirie to visit an old school friend, Stacey, stayed and had a couple of beers and a bit of a catch up. I also went to the cemetary and visited my Dad. Did some shopping - got a couple really good bargains, like a FREE HAIR COLOUR!! It was the checkout chicks fault (she wasn't concentrating) and NO! I did'nt say anything - I got out of there as quick as I could. I figured KMart could absorb my $30 hair colour and not even notice. WOOHOO
Payed a visit to my former belly-dancing teacher, Nita. Can you believe she's 62 years old?!?! What a woman! She's so vibrant and interested in everything and a bit of a health nut....... Probably a few lessons to be learnt there Faye....Ya think?!
Visited my friend Karyn and her kids Kara and Damon. Poor Damon had broken his ankle the day before I got there and was in a fair bit of pain, poor bugger. Kara, Karyn & I played wii all night and Kara took this "diet before-shot" of me....I didn't realise just how fat I really was till I saw this pic. OMG
Karyn has been on Tony Ferguson and lost about 20kg, and looks bloody terrific! Am jealous
My special buddy Warren came up from Adelaide to see me. That was lovely of him
Plenty more happened too. There was a birth, Hello Chiara, Declan and Tahlia and new baby Miley, I even got to have a lovely long nurse of her!
Spending time with Aunty Pat and Uncle Graham was really special, one part of the piece she was even tucking a blanky around me as I was laying on the lounge watching tv..... definitely going back for more of that. Catching up with Andrea was great, even though she is punishingly busy with the business she still found time to have a couple drinks and a bit of a chinwag... that meant a lot to me too.
I went past the house I used to live in, the one that had all the overwhelming and powerful memories that I could no longer live with, the one that I had to leave........... I also visited a few other special places and laid an old ghost to rest. It was 9 months coming, but it was time. All I have to do now is get the guts to delete his number from my phone and stop answering his texts and calls.......... I think I'm nearly ready.
So that old saying really is true:
If something doesn't kill you, maybe it really does make you stronger.
I've made a lot of really dumb decisions and bad choices over the last 18 months or so..... but I don't think coming to the Eyre peninsula was one of them. The Yorke Peninsula was really good to me, I was there for 15 years. There's no reason why that can't happen again over here on the Eyre Peninsula - I just have to give it time.
I miss my friends but visiting is really good and who knows....... maybe they will come and visit me!! That would be BRILL!!! And there's always next year to go home again. WOOHOO!! I love Holidays!
Looks like you had a fantastic trip home :) And I love the Kmart freebie - I do the exact same thing lol!
I hear ya too Faye!!! The small-mindedness of some people towards us is ridiculous!!! Anyways, they can get buggered and we'll continue on our quest for a great life!
Thanks for the congrats...I can't wait to get a look at my slow-cooker!!!
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