Well, another un-eventful week. Just work and not much else. Am getting really bored with this place.

I cut my hair again.
My budget isn't doing too good iether, $250 short for the month already. It's going to be hard to get 'in advance' with phone and lights while rego is looming and still manage my 10% savings, but I've got 3 more paydays for the month (2 bakery and 1 take-away) so hopefully I'll be able to catch it all up. $700/month off the bloody credit card is a big ask too, but that's what is required if I'm going to have it paid out by the end of the year.
Am having a really lazy day today, well till 4 o'clock anyway, that's when I go to work. Got plenty I should be doing but just can't get motivated. Got a brew that needs to be bottled, spare room needs sorting out and tidying up, need to do some MAJOR hair removal, bed sheets need to be changed, and yet I'm still sitting around in my jammies at 12.45 with no energy to do any of it!
Too Bad, I say. The hair removal doesn't really matter because nobody is going to be feeling my hairy legs anyway, being too slack to bottle the brew is probably going to be really good for my waistline, and I'm pretty sure spare rooms that look like mine are the reason why doors were invented. LOL
So stuff everything... I'm off to raid the fridge
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