Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost Pain Free........ Almost

I didn't realise how bad I felt till I didn't any more.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in earlier posts about how much my life has changed in the last 18 months, I don't really want to bore you with all the "why's & wherefore's" again. Let's just agree that when I say "change" I mean "CHANGE!!!!!", like a complete 180!

I used to be really fit. I would workout regularly - Pilates, Yoga, Body-Balance, Yogalates, Walking, Cycling, Jogging, Weight-Training........... I'm sure you know someone who is like I used to be. Then came "The Turn Around".........

In the last 18 months I've done hardly any of those things and my body has siezed up. Quite literally siezed up. With the end result being incredible pain in my back, legs, feet, shoulder and neck.

I've started going to the chiropractor again, but at $42 week, it's not going to be able to be a regular, on-going thing for me. Anyway, the results haven't been that good (not as good as I was hoping for anyway).

So I decided to get a bit pro-active here (instead of re-active) and try to take back control of my body again. My weight-gain is totally out-of-control and my fitness & flexibility seem to no longer exist. If I can't seem to get motivated to do this for my health and appearance I'm at the point where I'm ready to do it for the pain relief.

I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 2 mile (all I can handle in my present state - a far cry from my previous fitness levels!) for the last couple of weeks, and yesterday I did some back strengthening Yoga. Well...........

You should've heard the sound effects!!

I had so much crackin' & clickin' & crunchin' going on in my spine - it sounded like it was cracker night!!

The relief was so amazing and instant and intense -I simply couldn't believe it!

Usually when I get home from work I can barely get up the two front steps because my hammies are so tight and my legs and feet are aching so much. I can hardly get my arms above my head to take my top off and get my jammies on. I am so completely exhausted and drained that I can hardly make a cup of tea.

But Yesterday..............

The awful pressure behind my eyes was gone, the rushing in my ears was gone, I actually got to the end of the day and still felt like I had something left in me. I got home and actually thought about baking a cake (I didn't bake it, but I did complete another little project). I made it up the front steps ok and was probably about 80% pain free ALL DAY!!!

This morning when I woke up I bounded out of bed like a regular person instead of like a crippled-up wreck. I've just done my 2-mile walk and some posture pilates and I'm about to do the back strengthening yoga workout as soon as I finish this.

I've still got a ways to go but Oh God.. I'm so optimisic that I might be able to get back to where I was fitness and flexibility wise.

Will keep you posted.

RIP Farrah and Michael.

There goes my youth

1 comment:

qwerky said...

Hi Faye, what was the back strengthening yoga that you did and got such great results from in just one session? I also have a bad back and neck, and would love to know what you did. And are you keeping up with it? I bet you are. And you don't look anywhere near 100kgs, or have you lost weight since you posted that in CK? Btw, I'm Virginia (qwerky) from CK.