Friday, January 23, 2009

No Time.......... No Time for Anything

Just a quick entry.
It's 5 am and I'm about to do some more packing.
I've been taking a carload out to the house everytime I go to work, which means actually packing it, then loading it in the car, then un-loading it at the other side - then starting work. During my break (when I have a split shift) I go into the house and do some cleaning. On Sunday afternoon, I'm going to paint the kitchen.
Next week is going to be outa control. I've got work coming out of my ears. The roadhouse at Cowell rang me the other day to see if I was still interested in working there, so I have an interview with them on Friday to see what we can work out. I'm not expecting too much to come of it tho. I reckon the hours that they will want me will interfere too much with the takeaway. Will go and see them anyway tho, you never know.
Also, the local supermarket here still want me to clean. The boss is even willing to work around my current jobs. So I told him when school goes back, I'll go and see him and I can probably start then.
I'm suppose to be in my house by the 3rd February. But I'm working flat out for the next week and half that I know of, and I'm starting to get a bit panicky about getting all my big stuff in.

I lent my big tv to one of Scott's mates while I wasn't using it, and now that I need it back, he's nowhere to be found! Apparently, he gets a bit depressed every now and then and goes underground. WTF!?!? Toughen Up Princess!! All the local men here are like that. They've lived here all there lives, never been anywhere, and the are all FRUITCAKES and MUMMA'S BOYS! The people who have settled here from 'the outside' (that's the locals terminology - not mine) are usually the nicest ones. They seem to have retained some good manners. Definitely not the locals tho. It's like all the good manners have been 'in-bred' out of them.
Anyway, didn't mean to rant. Was just gonna do a quickie to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. Have a good day everyone. Will post again soon


stakky32 said...

Hey Faye,

Gosh, you sure are busy! Hope the move goes well and that you get your TV back....grrr, men!

Take care mate :)

Sarah said...

Hey Faye,

Home brew on tap?! Fill me in please!! My father in law has just started mucking around with home brew and he's coming up with some good shit! Although, I've been told its pretty hard to stuff home brew up nowadays since its all in kit form etc. But having beer on tap at home... heaven! Hmm should get myself a liquor licence hehe :) Somehow I think our mates would be telling us to rack off if we started charging them! :)

Sarah said...

Hey, in my pic that's me on the left :) And my friend next to me wasn't drinking white, she just hadn't refilled her glass yet ;) lol. I'll pretty much drink anything! Except bourbon - my first major drinking experience was when I was 15 and I drank 3/4 of a bottle after school one day (my friend in the picture drank the other quarter!). Haven't been able to touch the stuff since! :) Might have to tell the whole story in my blog! :)