Wednesday, March 18, 2009

She's BA-A-A-ACK!!!

After almost 5 long weeks and $3000, my little car has finally come home!!!
I had to get nasty to get a result though, which is a pretty bad state of affairs.
I rang the mechanic (read Bloody No-Hoper!!) on Monday and told him 'enough is enough already!' and that if I didn't have the car back by Friday I was going to ring Consumer Affairs. So 2 days later........... she's miraculously fixed! The bastards.
Anyway, she's home and I don't feel so trapped.
And I tell you what...... They're going to be waiting 4 weeks for their money! See how THEY like it!!!


stakky32 said...

YAY!!! :)

faye said...

I'll 2nd that!!

Rocky said...

OMG! I would've flipped my lid weeks ago! Grrr thats so rude.

stakky32 said...

Hey Faye,

Thanks for the website - will show it to DH tonight when he gets home from work.

Still keeping fingers crossed for the job - I am really wanting it now lol!


Stacey xo