Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Feel Radiant!!

Yep! Like I said........ I Feel Really Bloody Good today!
For the first time in ages my back doesn't hurt.
To make a short story long (hehe), it's been a pretty crummy year for me. In March last year I broke up with the love-of-my-life (a mutual decision but seriously painful none-the-less), I quit a job that was probably really good, but I was restless, took another job that I thought would be exciting and fun but turned out to be an absolute nightmare (was the worst 6 months of my life). Moved to Cleve. Then after about 5, moved here to Arno Bay. See a pattern here people?!
Oh, and I also quit smoking.
So consequently it's been a year since I've felt any good about myself. I've not exercised in all that time, I've eaten and drunk a whole pile of crappy stuff, I've forgotten how healthy and fit I used to be. And my body has slowly but surely been shutting down.
This last couple of weeks I've started walking again and been eating a lot healthier. This morning I started doing some basic pilates again (just the 'series of 5') and did a serious stretch workout like I used to do a year ago.
And Lo! The vertebra have parted!! My lower back feels the free-est it has in months and I feel like I can actually breath again!
I've been menu planning with my Symply Too Good to be True cook books and keeping a food diary and counting calories and feel so good again. I've lost a lot of weight before and I know it's not rocket science, it really IS just basic maths - Calories In v Calories Out.
I'm hoping too that some regular walking and a dramatic weightloss will help my poor sore knees (remember the fall down the stairs in January? Well, they still hurt, A LOT!)
Have a day off tomorrow so I'm going to set up my gym equipment to a mini circuit in the spare room. I can't do the fit balls yet because WITHOUT A CAR (STILL !) I can't get them pumped up. But thats okay, I've got plenty of stuff that I can use in the meantime.
So, Cheers everyone, Have a good day


Rocky said...

Oh thats so nice to hear Faye.

Keep up the good work!


Cat said...

You sound just as accident prone as me LOL. I'm glad you have found something that works for you back ache, i suffer it as well and it is a nightmare. Keep up the good work.

stakky32 said...

Yay! Fantastic work Faye :)

Millie said...

Fantastic that you are getting back on the wagon Faye, I should exercise more but tis not my fav thing to!! Rather cook and eat.....double lol!!!

Pattern there - yep...hehe.

Keep at it, and yes the pilates sound great.

Millie xx