Friday, February 20, 2009

Awwww!........Such Warm Fuzzies

Thank you both so much Millie and Stacey for your kind wishes. I'm feeling all fuzzy now!
According to Feng shui, if your front and back door are in alignment, as mine are, it can adversely affect your prosperity. The qui, or life force, comes in your front door and just zooms straight out your back door, taking all your prosperity with it. So I've put a few celestial cures in place with a few more to go.
You know that old chinese money tree, or jade plant............. the one with the little round, green leaves? Well, I've scabbed up a heap of cuttings and I now have it at my front and back door, and I'm also going to put some in the spare bedroom, which is in the prosperity corner of my house. I've also put a picture of a water scene up in the passage so that you can see it from the front door. It's all about slowing down the qui and encouraging the life force to hang around a little bit before it goes out the back door.
I also need to get the spare room unpacked and made all neat.....POSTE HASTE!!! Untidiness and disarray in the prosperity corner signifies a lack of attention to, and some dis-order in your finances. And that is certainly not the case in my real life.
Again, thanks guys.
It means a real lot to me


stakky32 said...

Ah, Feng Shui, it's been years since I have played around with that - it usually requires a house, which I don't really have to live in at the moment :)

Fingers crossed it starts working for you pronto!

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Aww Faye I'm sorry to hear of what's happened, but at least you're armed with all your SS stuff :)

Your comment about chinese money trees made me remember a blonde moment I had... It wasn't after I'd started seeing my hubby and was spending some time with his sister and her husband (who smoke a bit of illegal stuff if you catch my drift...) - they were talking about their "money trees" and I, being a very sheltered, naive 19 year old who had never had any experiences with drugs (actually I still haven't and I'm almost 24 now!), and I said "oh yeah I know what you're talking about. My nanna had one of those by her backdoor for years" (meaning a chinese one). Hubby told me later the kind of money trees they'd been talking about and I could've died! Great first impression! They're great and didn't care though :)