Wednesday, March 18, 2009

She's BA-A-A-ACK!!!

After almost 5 long weeks and $3000, my little car has finally come home!!!
I had to get nasty to get a result though, which is a pretty bad state of affairs.
I rang the mechanic (read Bloody No-Hoper!!) on Monday and told him 'enough is enough already!' and that if I didn't have the car back by Friday I was going to ring Consumer Affairs. So 2 days later........... she's miraculously fixed! The bastards.
Anyway, she's home and I don't feel so trapped.
And I tell you what...... They're going to be waiting 4 weeks for their money! See how THEY like it!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Feel Radiant!!

Yep! Like I said........ I Feel Really Bloody Good today!
For the first time in ages my back doesn't hurt.
To make a short story long (hehe), it's been a pretty crummy year for me. In March last year I broke up with the love-of-my-life (a mutual decision but seriously painful none-the-less), I quit a job that was probably really good, but I was restless, took another job that I thought would be exciting and fun but turned out to be an absolute nightmare (was the worst 6 months of my life). Moved to Cleve. Then after about 5, moved here to Arno Bay. See a pattern here people?!
Oh, and I also quit smoking.
So consequently it's been a year since I've felt any good about myself. I've not exercised in all that time, I've eaten and drunk a whole pile of crappy stuff, I've forgotten how healthy and fit I used to be. And my body has slowly but surely been shutting down.
This last couple of weeks I've started walking again and been eating a lot healthier. This morning I started doing some basic pilates again (just the 'series of 5') and did a serious stretch workout like I used to do a year ago.
And Lo! The vertebra have parted!! My lower back feels the free-est it has in months and I feel like I can actually breath again!
I've been menu planning with my Symply Too Good to be True cook books and keeping a food diary and counting calories and feel so good again. I've lost a lot of weight before and I know it's not rocket science, it really IS just basic maths - Calories In v Calories Out.
I'm hoping too that some regular walking and a dramatic weightloss will help my poor sore knees (remember the fall down the stairs in January? Well, they still hurt, A LOT!)
Have a day off tomorrow so I'm going to set up my gym equipment to a mini circuit in the spare room. I can't do the fit balls yet because WITHOUT A CAR (STILL !) I can't get them pumped up. But thats okay, I've got plenty of stuff that I can use in the meantime.
So, Cheers everyone, Have a good day

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hello cat from simple savings aka Little Miss.
And hello to you too Nutmeg.
Welcome to my blog.
Most of it pretty mundane stuff, but hey......... it's my life and it is what it is.
I hope you both will make comments and have some input.
Little Miss - do you have a family? Where are you from? If you're doing the $21 Challenge or the No Spending in March Challenge let me know. It would be good to have some input from other like-minded souls. I wouldn't mind having some-one in my corner for this too. It's my first one and I've gone the double-whammy with both of them at once.
It's going to be a long 6 months till I get these car repairs paid for.

Day 3

Have survived the first two days of March WITHOUT SPENDING A CENT!!!!
I've run out of bread but thats okay - I've got some rolls and muffins in the freezer so I'll just use them up first.
I made my sour-dough bread on Sunday. I think it's at the stage where I can use it now. I'm not really sure, so I'll have to read my instructions again. I'll be home early tomorrow so I'll look then, and if it's ready I'll bake a loaf tomorrw. If it all goes well I'll take a pic and post it.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I've been up since about 5am. I've already done all my washing, and because it was raining and dark and windy I decided to cheat and use the drier. I didn't have much. Then, bugger me if I didn't just turn on my computer and see on my news page that power costs are set to soar because of the poor global economy!!!! Bloody hell!! I haven't got a whole lot left to give up to cover that too!!! One good thing though, at least my fuel costs will drop dramatically without going to Kimba 3 days a week. Speaking of which...........
My little car is STILL not home!!! Not bloody happy.
I've bloody had enough of Cleve-people, I tell ya! Reckon they've all got 2 heads!!!
Anyway, work is good, diet is crap, exercise is non-existent, budget is a work in progress,,,,,,,,,
Life is going on.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello Little Miss

Don't be shy!
Show yourself!
I don't bite and neither do my friends.
And could someone please tell me how you spell "iether & niether"?

The Ides Of March........

Does anyone know what that means? Care to enlighten me?
Even without the aforementioned enlightenment-
Welcome to March........ t'is gonna be a bumpy ride!
March is No Spend Month on the simple savings calendar, and on top of that I'll be doing a $21 Challenge. I guess I don't feel I have enough challenges in my life right now hey........
I think I already mentioned that I filled the freezer with a meal plan in mind and I bought a whole pile of bulk toiletries and cleaners and stuff, so I guess now it's time to put my money where my mouth is.
I'm going to change the $21 Challenge rules a little bit ----- The whole idea is to feed a family of 4 on $21 a week. Well, since I live alone I'm thinking 1 person should be able to go 4 weeks. Just the inverse of the original concept hey. But I am going to crank it up a little to allow for inflation (other ss members are upping the limit for this reason as well, so am not cheating), I'm going to go for $10 dollars a week. Another of my bent rules is that I'm not including any bulk/stockpile purchases in this amount, but only up to the amount of $50.
I'm also going to start keeping a grocery catalogue book, tracking the specials. Over a period of about 2 or 3 months I hope to be able to really capitalise on any specials of products that I use regularly and really beat the stoopidmarkets at there own game!
With regard to the No Spend Challenge (here-in to be refered to as the NCS), I got offto a good start today. I resisted buying a packet of chips to use as comfort food. But I should tell you, I do have about a months supply of home brew, so hopefully I can make that last and it will be enough. LOL
I've also arranged for people to come and look at all things electricity related. My daily usage is about 17kWh/day and that is outragous and ridiculous for 1 person. So will make further updates on all that as it all happens. I'm going to get this bloody daily usage down or die trying!!!
So, wish me luck everyone!! Only 6 months to go till car repairs are paid for.!