Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Awwww!........Such Warm Fuzzies
According to Feng shui, if your front and back door are in alignment, as mine are, it can adversely affect your prosperity. The qui, or life force, comes in your front door and just zooms straight out your back door, taking all your prosperity with it. So I've put a few celestial cures in place with a few more to go.
You know that old chinese money tree, or jade plant............. the one with the little round, green leaves? Well, I've scabbed up a heap of cuttings and I now have it at my front and back door, and I'm also going to put some in the spare bedroom, which is in the prosperity corner of my house. I've also put a picture of a water scene up in the passage so that you can see it from the front door. It's all about slowing down the qui and encouraging the life force to hang around a little bit before it goes out the back door.
I also need to get the spare room unpacked and made all neat.....POSTE HASTE!!! Untidiness and disarray in the prosperity corner signifies a lack of attention to, and some dis-order in your finances. And that is certainly not the case in my real life.
Again, thanks guys.
It means a real lot to me
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hi Stakky
I'm already making the household cleaner from this thread on simple savings
I gotta tell ya......... this stuff is brilliant!!
I bought a 7.5 kg bucket of laundry powder when I moved in, so I'm good for that for a while........QUITE a while! LOL
I use vinegar as a fabric softener and I make my own pre-wash spray.
I do like to read as much as my foggy vision last thing at night will let me. Where I work, we have a book exchange/2nd hand books happening. I get to read them for nothing. But I am also a member of the public library. At the beginning of last year when I decided to really embrace the whole ss philosophy, I stopped buying magazines and novels........ Must've saved a bloody fortune since then.
But don't take that thinking cap off yet!
Keep 'em coming.
Cheers. Avagdwknd
Dire Straits
The situation is very bleak.
Final quote for my car repairs are ........ $2800.
I am in shock, deep shock. I simply don't have it. I've applied for a loan, one of those 6 months interest free ones. But even so, that means paying $233 fortnight to make it by the 6 months. There is no way I can afford that iether. But I should be entitled to the new handout the government is throwing around, and I should get a killer tax cheque, so I might just make it. T'is gonna be a lo-o-ong 6 months tho!
As soon as I get my car back I have to go to town to apply for a top up payment from Centerlink (god, am SO not looking forward to dealing with that!!) and hopefully I will be entitled to some rent assistance.
I have never needed my simple savings skills more!!!
At the moment I'm making some tomato and bacon soup with the tomatoes from my ex-garden. I've already cooked a frozen a big bag of silverbeet too. I've still got zucchinis coming out of my ears. A couple days ago I made a big pot of zucchini and potato soup, that was really yummy. And today I'm going to make tzatziki with........ don't laugh...........zucchini! Hopefully it will be okay, I already made the greek yoghurt base, and if it ain't that good I'll just chuck a whole pile of extra garlic in it. LOL
One of the freezers at work shit itself yesterday, so I was really lucky there. Bev, my boss, GAVE me a kilo of green prawns and a kilo of cooked ones! How bout that!!! So tonight I'm making garlic prawns and ZUCCHINI (!) rossti. I'm actually waiting for my wee to turn green with all this zucchini LOL My brown eyes are at risk of turning green!!!
My beloved Crows are playing tomorrow night. And Sunday is 1 year since I quit smoking. So in honour of that I have re-joined the club. Cost me $65 but it is the last time I be spending money like that for a LONG time, and the act that I am rewarding (quitting) definitely is worth it, so I don't care about the money or feel guilty.
I have 5kg of cornflour to use a talcum powder (that should last me the rest of my LIFE)
I have a crystal stick deodorant
I cut and colour my own hair
I nearly always cook from scratch
I've been checking out the starving woolies thread and plan to do quite a bit from there, will explain more about that later
I've been buying a couple of cloth pads every week - another week or so and I should have enough
I have a couple of sheets and towels that I'm going to cut up for wee-wipes
I make my own beer and wine
I have ditched expensive moisturisers and now use sorbolene and cetaphil
I use powdered milk
Today I am going to make a sourdough starter so I can make my own sourdough bread and rolls and possibly even pretzels
I don't have to pay for dvd's, I rent them for free from work
I do batch cooking - my freezer is absolutely chockers, actually am a bit worried about fitting todays cook up in there
I make my own household cleaner
I have an Emjoi, so hair removal is painful but cheap LOL
Got any more ideas for me?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I just hit another kangaroo!!!
My car is still in being fixed so I have been borrowing Scott's and this morning I hit another bloody roo with it! Front is all caved in, headlight is broken, it is a wreck and so am I.
I ran my boss at Kimba to tell I wouldn't be in.............EVER AGAIN!
I had to quit. I just can't afford to keep this job. I certainly can't afford a third kangaroo!
I don't know what I've done to bring all this bad luck raining down on me, but whatever it was...
Now - can I please just have my normal, boring life back, PLEASE?
As of right now, I'm a bit scared to get out of bed in the mornings
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Am Still Here
I finally got my blinker fixed after the 'hitting of the roo' (I'm a one-eyed Crows fan, do you know how much it pains me to say that?!). It turns out that the blinker wasn't the only thing broken though. When Scott went to put the blinker in the mount/housing (whatever it's called) that the headlight sits in was all smashed and the front spoiler was a bit wobbly as well. So he fixed all that up for me as well as putting the new blinker in. He ALSO washed 'the little girl' (that's my pet name for my car) for me and I gave hime some money to fill her up for me, then on the way back to my place she conked out!! She only had about 4km's to go but she just couldn't make it. So the doctor - er, I mean MECHANIC came to look at her and it turns out she has a broken timing chain............ About $1000 to fix! OMG!!! Where the hell is that going to come from?!?!
This is the little girl with her big bandaid on after the 'hitting of the roo' *cringe*
This is the little girl being taken away to the doctor - I mean mechanic
Then to add to my financial woes....... My freezer has been off for I don't know how long and all of the top shelf defrosted, so now I have to go and get extra ingredients that weren't budgeted for to do a massive cook-up to re-freeze everything so it doesn't get wasted. Jeez! What next?!?! I'm scared to ask myself!
On the positive side though, I've lost the 3kg I put on in the 2 weeks prior to moving in, Scott is really trying to be nice and his efforts haven't gone un-noticed (don't know if it will be enough though......... too little, too late), I've managed to get rid of the disgusting smell in the house and it certainly looks a bloody site cleaner now than it was a week ago!
I've also started my new walking challenge with I'm doing the Bust Your Butt Skyscraper Challenge. I used to do some form of exercise EVERY day, but when I started on the ferry, that went out the window. I was still recording daily steps but not actually doing any walking. So this new challenge is not a step challenge, it's a minute challenge - you only record your minutes of exercise, ANY exercise. So hopefully that will be the "kick up the butt" (geddit?!?! LOL) I need to start exercising on a regular basis again.
I also bought myself the new Michelle Bridges book 'Crunch Time'. How are you going with that Sarah? This afternoon I will be home from work at a civilised hour (5pm), so I'm going to sit down and do all the written exercises. On the 22nd February it will be 12 months since I quit smoking, so I'm going to make that my start date losing the 20kg I have put on since then.
I've still got a real lot to do, unpacking-wise. I want to set up the gym room next, I have quite a bit of equipment - the goal is to actually start USING it.
Well, I have gone on quite a bit hey? Didn't mean to chew your collective ear off! *chuckle*
Next time will post some pics of my beautiful beach!